Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Week/Weekend Update

I went back to work last week! So far, so good. My hip is sore at the end of the day, but I'm very grateful to be part-time because I usually have a rest day after a work day. 

Evie has been adjusting to her new daycare. She's starting her fourth week. She's back to sleeping well (there were some rough bedtimes the first couple weeks) and less timid at drop off. We're reassured each day when we pick her up. She's happy and playful. She always reports that she had a good day.

This summer is going to be quiet. We're finding new ways to entertain Evie. We visit the Stadium Bowl and park very regularly. Lately, Evie is asking for the beach every day. The weather has been erratic, but we go rain or shine. 
The best way to start the day
Tossing rocks
Refusing to get up
It was a slow ride to the beach. We need more practice on the balance bike.
I love this view
She spotted a kayaker
Lucy and Evie
Pizza night
I got a Laffy Taffy rope for myself and she stole it
Park with my girl
Swedish Fish are life
Happy Memorial Day!
Sneaking cherry tomatoes
The best part of the night... drinks on the patio

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Week/Weekend Update

Evie and I both have colds this week so we haven't been doing much. Fortunately, we were both feeling well over the weekend and had a great Mother's Day! The weather was amazing. We visited the little beach on Ruston Way. It felt so good to smell sea air again. Evie made the most adorable gifts at daycare and she was so excited to give them to me so I we got to open presents on Friday! 

We told Evie about Mother's Day a couple weeks ago and she was very quick to point out that she's also a mother to her babies so we couldn't resist getting her a present also. She got a new Barbie and a Barbie Mobile Clinic. Her reaction was the cutest! She was thrilled.  
I was more active last week
This is Brady's second home... he visits twice a day
The best french braids I've ever done!
Flowers from my MIL and FIL
Little mama playing with her mobile clinic
Escape outdoors during nap time
Finding fun at the park when the playground is closed
Still loves to be in my lap
Her hair after I took braids out lol
Evie with a squirt gun full of freezing Sound water
She smashed everything Brady and I built 

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Week/Weekend Update

All the days are blurring together. Our only outings are the park, grocery store, and the Stadium Bowl (to workout).

The highlight of the past week was Brady giving me a haircut. He cut 2.5 inches and did such a good job! He even used thinning shears and cut layers. This is the happiest I've been with a haircut in years. 

Evie started a new daycare yesterday because her old daycare closed for another month. The first day went well. No tears. We picked her up early and went to the park (after getting ice cream). 
 Tried to convince Evie Parent Trap was the best movie, but she wasn't having it so I had to watch it during nap time
 Cinderella at the park
 The before...
and after!
 Brady listening to Evie's hiccups lol we are so bored
 Evie's set-up at the Bowl while Brady works out
 When the playground is closed, find a makeshift sandbox
Introduced Evie to tomatoes with sugar (she dumped waaay to much sugar) 
 Stalking blooms all over Tacoma
 Morning movie with my coffee
 Blurry photo of bedtime stories
 This girl loves ice cream
 Wisteria season is my favorite!