Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Weekend Update (Visitors!)

My parents were in town for a long weekend! We hadn't seen them since Christmas, but you would have never known by Evie's reaction... she was so happy, cuddly, and chatty. She wanted to hold their hands and have them carry her everywhere. It was adorable. 

It rained on Friday, but we made the best of it and went to the Museum of Flight. It was pretty cool. They had a WWI and WWII exhibit. You can tour the original Boeing building and actually go inside a few of the planes, including an Air Force One (from the LBJ/Nixon era). 
 Testing out the different cockpits
 Like a kid in a candy store
 Evie loved walking with Nana
 Look at all those planes
 Wright brothers model
 Nana time
Air Force One
Inside Air Force One
We had much better weather on Saturday and Sunday. We went to Seattle to visit one of our favorite restaurants - Westward. Good food, good atmosphere, great views👌 We hung out at Freemont Brewing afterwards. New favorite brewery! They have a kids area! It's genius. Evie loved it. 
 Drinks and apps
 Drinks with a view
 Evie loved the rocks (and this little clapper that I carry in her diaper bag)
 Freemont Brewing
 Brady showing her all the different flowers and Evie trying to pull off the petals
 I'm trying to teach her "nice touch"
 A little bike ride
 My girl!
Evie walking up to strangers (seriously)
We went to Gig Harbor on Sunday. We had brunch at Devoted Kiss Cafe then strolled around the downtown area. Evie walked all over. I can't believe the way this girl is moving. She's very busy these days. Fortunately, her grandpa is patient enough to walk up and down the docks with her😂 
Great day in the Harbor
 Blue skies make me so happy
 Evie loved walking with Grandpa
 Her entourage
 Again, she wants in the water
 The perfect day
My dad and I went for two runs👊 We had to negate our daily visits to Corina Bakery and all the breweries!
 We run so much better together!
So much food
This girl is making the brewery rounds (and loving it)

Monday, March 19, 2018

Weekend Update

Our weekends are becoming continuous walks to the park. Evie's walking is improving each week. She's starting to getting restless sitting in the stroller. Brady's brothers got her a Joovy Tricycoo for Christmas so we put it together this weekend. She did a little better on the tricycle, but she would rather walk.
 She found a ball
 Wood chips, wood chips, wood chips
 I love watching her play
 Climbing the stairs to the slide
 Always piling wood chips
 Her happy place
 Trying to jump in the pond
 Always wanting to walk
 Tricycle building
 More park time
 The cutest trike

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Weekend Update

We had amazing weather this weekend. It was over 60° with blue skies and sunshine🙌 This taste of spring was a mood booster for all of us. We enjoyed lots of time outside. Evie had a blast!

I feel like we lived at the park the past four days. Evie had fun on the slide and swing set, but she loved the wood chips most of all😂 She would take a few steps, crouch down, pick-up handfuls of wood chips to carry or put into a pile. It was pretty cute.  

Evie took so many steps this weekend! She's officially walking😬 She still falls very often, but she always gets back up to keep going. She's about 50/50 with crawling and walking now.  
 She was thrilled to climb the stairs
 Happy girl
  The swing was a hit
 Olympia farmer's market on Saturday morning
 So many sailboats
 New Moon Cafe was delicious
 Evie loved her french toast, sausage and fruit (i.e. everything)
 Different day, different park
 Watching the big kids
 This picture sums up Evie - crouching, smiling, always handing something to us
 Back in her element
 Nap time!
 We found more wood chips
 I love watching her play
 Monday morning started a bit chilly
The pile of wood chips