Monday, October 29, 2018

Weekend Update

We had a great weekend. I don't know what made it different from other weekends, but it felt especially good. Brady was confused when I told him I loved this weekend.

Evie woke up on Saturday and Sunday crying. This is unusual for her. She typically wakes up really happy, but this weekend she woke up crying to go outside😒 Brady is creating a monster. He takes her on 3-4 walks every weekend day. She begs to go outside any time she's inside, even if it's just after waking up. Needless to say, we spent a lot of time at the park. 
 Really enjoyed running through these leaves on Friday afternoon
 My girl
 She loves Premier Protein drinks, or as she would call it "milk"
 Never walking, always running
 Throwing rocks in the water
 Admiring puppies
 We swing a lot
 This picture is expectation, but the next is reality 
Evie started swim lessons on Saturday. It's only 30 minutes, but all three of us thoroughly enjoyed it. Evie hated floating on her back, but she was good with everything else.
 She's so good at climbing out of the pool on her own
This weekend was a personal culinary success🙌 Evie ate the dinners I cooked on Saturday and Sunday. Saturday was just tomato soup and grilled cheese. Sunday was this Skinny Taste turkey and sweet potato chili. Evie finishing an entire meal is the best feeling. 
 Family color sessions after dinner
Daddy-daughter breakfast dates while mama sleeps in

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Twenty Months

I can't believe she's nearly two-years-old! I'm still loving the toddler stage. New developments every single day.
Evie is full of spunk and giggles and tantrums. She wakes up every morning full of energy and ready to start her day. She's a social butterfly. She literally yells "HI!" at people across the street. It's half adorable and half embarrassing. She loves to play outside and climb on everything. People at the park always assume she's older because she's so comfortable on all the equipment. 

She still loves dogs and babies. Her most frequent request is "my baby" which translates to more baby. She always wants to watch videos of herself or other babies. I'm very mindful to keep my phone out of sight, otherwise I know she start begging for "my baby."

A few new developments... she is no longer afraid of the vacuum. I'm sad about this because she used to run into my arms and cuddle every time Brady got the vacuum out. Now, she says "hi vacuum." She also recently started hating ducks. I don't know what happened, but she never wants to see them at the park and when she does she yells at them to "go away."

My favorite thing at the moment is when Brady and I pretend to be scared and Evie tells us "it's ok!" If we continue acting scared then she'll get really panicked. It's so funny. 

The latest obsession is coloring. I hear "cola" multiple times a day. She prefers if Brady and I will color with her and honestly she can't be trusted to color on her own. I've found too many chewed crayons. 

Evie stopped drinking bottles within the past month. She was drinking 6-7 oz of milk every night. I thought this was going to be a battle to give it up, but she suddenly lost interest. That was the easiest transition. Now, she has a sippy cup of milk when read books, but she usually only takes 1-2 drinks. 

We're still working on learning colors. Currently, everything is either yellow or blue. Evie is also starting swim lessons on Saturday. I know she'll love it, but I actually think Brady and I are more excited. 

Monday, October 22, 2018

Weekend Update

We had a super chill weekend at home. 

I felt really run down on Saturday. Brady took Evie for most of the day. I cleaned the condo and napped then we lounged around the house... watching movies, coloring, snacking. I felt normal on Sunday so we spent a lot of time at the park.
 It's either Elmo or Pooh
 Mama's new shoes getting a test run
 She was a ball of energy
 No pants kind of Saturday
 Family coloring session
 Find a big leaf and don't let go
Literally everyone getting family photos in the park on Sunday
 Running circles

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Random Snaps

Here's what fall is looking like so far...
 Blair and Evie climbing up to the bath
 Feeding herself (and baby)
 How to keep a toddler distracted on a plane... STICKERS
 Sephora VIB sale order
 Sending photos to Brady when he's traveling for work
 Attempting an outfit photo lol
 Side table essentials 
 Evening stroll through the park
 This is what every Friday night looks like
 Creeping on the neighbors
New hair self to send to my mom and sisters

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Good Stuff

Olaplex No. 3 has done amazing things for my hair! My hair was so dry and brittle. I actually considered chopping it off. I started using this treatment twice a week and my hair was noticeably softer and healthier. It has to be applied to damp hair so I usually leave it for 30 minutes while I get Evie ready for bed then I shower and rinse it out. I get comments the next day on how good my hair looks👌
Balega running socks were the first to appear when I searched "best running socks" and that's for good reason. They are so comfortable! They're thick and stretching with a little extra padding on the bottom. They don't slide down at all. I'm hooked. 
Apple AirPods were a Christmas gift from my in-laws last year. Initially, I was really annoyed because they kept losing connection to my phone. I would be in the middle of a run when the music would randomly stop. Then, I realized googled it was because I had never pushed the tiny button on the case to sync them to my phone. Now, they work perfectly and I'm obsessed. 
Netflix is crushing the movies lately. I've been loving all the chick flicks...

Monday, October 15, 2018

Weekend Update(s)

This is a twofer! 

Here's the update on the past two weekends. We've been spending lots of time outside and loving this fall weather! 

We met Tim, Kara, and Sydney at Scarecrow Festival in Gig Harbor last Saturday. We stopped at 7 Seas Brewery for drinks afterwards. Evie loved the animals, but she was most interested in Sydney. She kepting saying "baby" and following Sydney around.
 Admires from afar
 Clings to dada when she gets too close
 This girl is in heaven
 She found a dog and went running
 Family fun at the brewery
We went to Mt Rainier this weekend. I wish we made this trip more often, but unfortunately it's become an annual thing. We hiked Naches Loop because it's easy to do with a toddler and bum hip (I tweaked my hip running two weeks ago😒). Evie did really well during the hike. She yelled "hi" at everyone we passed on the trail and she loved playing with the sticks and rocks at the top. 
 Ready to go!
 Caught the last bit of autumn colors
 Hard to believe this is 90 min from home
She's free
 Stunning views
 Caught them in the same pose
 Family photo
 My favorite girl
 She kept finding sticks and rocks to carry and throw
 She was content on dada's back
 I love this
 and this