We timed this trip perfectly for the polar vortex😑
It was bitter cold. We're talking -40° windchill! Needless to say, we spent no time outdoors other than running from the car to the house. However, we did get lots of family time! We cuddled baby Olivia and baby Morgan and played with Mira and Elena💛 Evie loved every minute with her cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. We tried a few new restaurants. Brady and I even got to have a gym/brunch date while Nana watched Evie🙌 I can totally see the benefit of living close to family! The next trip will be definitely be timed for better weather.
Get ready for all the baby pics...
Nana holding Olivia and Evie holding Elena's naked baby
Someone wanted to stay up late and hang with Nana and Grandpa
All the nieces!
Evie and Amanda
Everyone taking turns holding Livi
Tyler gave her a ring pop and she LOVED him for it
Sweet girls
Story time with Nana
Baking with Auntie Cait
So much snow
These three💛
Trying Arcadia in Campustown. The pourovers were really good
Bompa cuddles in the mall
Campustown has changed so much in the past 9 years... lol we're old
There two get along so well! Evie and Elena fought over every toy, but I suppose that should be expected with TWO two-year-olds.
Evie gave Livi her Mamaroo ball
Evie is very into watching nursery rhymes on YouTube
She loves her Nana so much
Always playing with Bompa's glasses and hearing aids
Mo had the best chub and hair!
There was a lot going on in the photo
Baby Mo
Evie's poor cheeks didn't like the cold weather
Evie's turn to hold Livi
Get ready for all the baby pics...
Nana holding Olivia and Evie holding Elena's naked baby
Someone wanted to stay up late and hang with Nana and Grandpa
All the nieces!
Evie and Amanda
Everyone taking turns holding Livi
Tyler gave her a ring pop and she LOVED him for it
Sweet girls
Story time with Nana
Brady loves the newborn stage
Meeting baby Mo!Baking with Auntie Cait
So much snow
These three💛
Trying Arcadia in Campustown. The pourovers were really good
Bompa cuddles in the mall
Campustown has changed so much in the past 9 years... lol we're old
There two get along so well! Evie and Elena fought over every toy, but I suppose that should be expected with TWO two-year-olds.
Evie gave Livi her Mamaroo ball
Evie is very into watching nursery rhymes on YouTube
She loves her Nana so much
Always playing with Bompa's glasses and hearing aids
Mo had the best chub and hair!
There was a lot going on in the photo
Baby Mo
Evie's poor cheeks didn't like the cold weather
Evie's turn to hold Livi
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