Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Weekend Update

I barely took any pictures this weekend, but it was good one! I'm loving this spring weather! 

We had a playdate with Evie's bestie from daycare on Saturday. It's so cute to watch them play together. So much running and giggling. This age is pure joy and entertainment. 
I still ate two lol
The only photo from playdate
Evie gets so excited for the hot tub
I cooked, I cleaned, I waited 45 min for Brady and Evie to return from the park... typical for those two

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Weekend Update

We had amazing weather this weekend! It seriously feels like summer this week! We took full advantage with several trips to the park. We also saw Brent, Molly and the girls on Saturday😊

Evie has been so obsessed with Brady the past couple weeks. I took her to the park and insisted Brady not come with us😂 I also brought taffy to make sure I won her over. I think Brady and I are on the same level now. 
 Always collecting rocks
 You know it's nice out when she strips down in the park
 Here she is taking off her pants too lol
 Backyard bubbles
 This girl loooved the swing
 Mother-daughter bonding
 Excited for pizza
 Poor Blair was Evie's patient... she's checking her temperature
 "Reading" in Blair's clubhouse
 Taffy in the park
A full pony makes her look so much older!

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Random Snaps

75% Evie Parker...
 Baby obsessed
 One last taste of WA before we boarded our flight to IA in January
 Cooking an omelet with dada
 Went for a shorter do
 When she wakes up before the sun on a weekend😩
 Found her reading to herself
 100% sass

Monday, March 11, 2019

Weekend Update

This weekend felt like spring! 

Saturday was gorgeous. We went to Point Ruston to play at the beach. Evie loved throwing sand in the water and climbing the rocks. She left the beach happy and soaking wet. 

I caught another cold on Sunday. I've had a virus every month since November. My immune system has fallen apart this winter. On the upside, it made me lounge around all day and my hip didn't hurt for the first time since surgery. It was definitely a reminder that I need more rest.
 Nothing better than the smell of salt water
 A break from the sand
 This girl loves to jump and climb
 Dada fueling up with cold brew
 1, 2, 3, JUMP
 My sunshine
Mountain goats

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Good Stuff

I had quite a bit of time on my hands in February. Here's how I spent the past month...

I became obsessed with Bohemian Rhapsody (and so did my mom). We bought it on Amazon Prime and I've watched it five times. I don't think I've ever been this enthralled with a movie. Now I can't stop listening to Queen music. Such a great band and movie. I'm so glad Rami Malek won best actor. 
I also got into a couple podcasts. I always struggle to find ones that keep my attention. I end up losing interest after a few episodes. The Drop-Out and Over My Dead Body are (completely different) true stories that keep me coming back each week.
 Lastly, a few new albums I've had on repeat... Ariana Grande, Tall Heights, and Maggie Rogers. Something for every mood between these three artists. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Life Lately

I was MIA last week because my mom was in town! 

Brady was traveling for work last week. Thankfully, my mom was able to visit and help take care of Evie. I'm still recovering from hip surgery and slow on my feet so her help was greatly appreciated. 

Evie loooved having her stay with us. She woke up every morning asking for nana. My mom took care of her each day while I worked and we also had a few days together. Evie now begs for play-doh and "pone" (phone). She insists on "bubble clothes" during bathtime and requests lotion to put on her feet... the things she learns from nana😂

We finally had some decent weather this weekend. We got Evie back on her balance bike and played at the park. It was Brady's 31st birthday so Evie and I baked cookies (because he 's crazy and doesn't like cake). We sang HBD to dada at least a dozen times. Evie's new favorite song!
 Nana cuddles!
 Trying new oils
 Cheers (to mom being a CPA and doing our taxes)!
 Back on the balance bike
 This girl loves the park
Evie pushing me off the rock so she can jump lol
 Dada the doggy