She's here!
Evie arrived Friday, February 17th at 5:13 pm
Weight: 7 pounds 4 ounces
Length: 19.75 inches
Weight: 7 pounds 4 ounces
Length: 19.75 inches
I was due on Valentine's Day and had been having Braxton Hicks nearly every day for one week. I was certain she was going to arrive early or on her due date. I felt so defeated at my OB appointment (on my due date) when he said I was only dilated one centimeter. We opted for induction, which they typically schedule one week from the due date. My OB suggested inducing sooner given my hip complications. We scheduled the induction for midnight that night. However, we rescheduled for February 17th after we got home and had to chance to talk it through. I was hopeful she would arrive in those three days, but no luck...
We arrived at the hospital at 11:00 pm on Thursday, February 16th and my induction was scheduled for midnight. I got one dose of misoprostol at midnight. The nurse said it typically takes one dose every three hours for a total of three doses so she suggested I rest while the medication kicked in. I responded very quickly to the first dose and had strong contractions immediately. I didn't get any rest and ended up just getting the one dose.
My contractions stayed strong and regular (every 5 minutes), but I was still progressing so slowly. I dreaded each cervical exam when they would tell me how dilated I was... I think I was stuck at 3 centimeters for 4 hours. The birthing ball and jacuzzi were surprisingly helpful. I got one dose of fentanyl, which only lasted one hour then one dose of nalbuphine, which lasted two hours before I asked for an epidural. My OB advised against an epidural given my hip complications - he thought the hip may be further injured during delivery since I wouldn't be able to feel if I extended it too far.
We met with the OB, midwives and nurses to discuss a plan of action. I showed them how far I could move my leg before feeling hip pain and we decided on different birthing positions that would put less pressure on my right hip. The midwife broke my water then I finally got my epidural around noon. Things progressed quickly at that point. I started to feel the pressure from the contractions every 3 minutes and I went from 6 to 10 centimeters within a few hours.
I was exhausted and delirious at this point. I hadn't gotten any sleep in 36 hours and I had been laboring for 16 hours before it was finally time to start pushing.
I asked for a c-section several times, but after one hour of pushing Evie was here! We had a little scare when she had the umbilical cord wrapped around her neck and chest, but the midwives were great - they quickly cut her cord and handed us our beautiful baby girl. We left the hospital a little after noon the next day and we've been enjoying every moment at home with our daughter💗
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