Friday, June 30, 2017

It's Been A Rough Week

Poor Evie...

Her first tooth came in on Monday😩  I didn't even know she was teething! Our daycare provider told me she had a (bottom) tooth and I didn't believe it. I felt ridiculous for not noticing. She had been drooling a lot and chewing on everything, but teething was not on my radar because she's only 18-weeks! I'm not ready for this!

Then, she woke up on Tuesday with rash around her armpits and neck. She didn't seem bothered by it so we took her to daycare. Two hours later they called and said it spread all over her body. We took her to the pediatrician and found out she has a viral exanthem😒  This girl just can't catch a break.
Fortunately, I had Wednesday off. She took extra long naps and we spent a good portion of the day snuggling and reading books... silver lining.

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