This is still my favorite stage! Toddlers are so fun. No one ever tells you that. I was terrified of the toddler stage when Evie was a baby. I thought it would be horrible, but so far it's pretty great (except when traveling)!
This girl is walking all over the place. She started consistently walking at 13 months. She has gotten so steady on her feet. The walk gets better and better each week. She still reaches out to hold my hand when she's walking. It melts my heart. I know this won't last long.
Evie still has no stranger danger. People probably think we neglect her because she literally walks up to strangers and lifts her arms to be picked up. I think every single person at my grandpa's funeral held her. She's incredibly social. I don't know where this comes from... Brady and I are so anti-social😂
Evie has gotten two molars (both on the left side) in the past month. One broke through while we were in Iowa😒 as if traveling with a one-year-old wasn't hard enough. Her cheeks get bright red when she's teething, but only on the side of the new tooth. She's been handling these molars pretty well, but we've also been giving her ibuprofen when the cheeks get red.
Evie's vocabulary is expanding! She started saying "hi" and "uh-oh" in the past week. She has the sweetest little voice. Her version of "hi" has an extended "eee" at the end. "Hieee!"
She's still a great eater. She's willing to try everything once. Our weekly go-to foods are oatmeal, sweet potatoes, avocado, greek yogurt, hard boiled eggs, chicken, salmon, pasta, berries, kiwi, bananas. She is obsessed with fruit snacks. We've turned this snack into a scavenger hunt. She has to earn each fruit snack!
One of the best parts of having a toddler is the sleep! It's been so nice the past few months to have predictable sleeping patterns. She sleeps 12 hours every night and takes two naps during the day (usually 90 minutes each).
We've starting calling her Hurricane Evie. She leaves destruction everywhere she goes. She loves pulling her books off the shelf and emptying the kitchen cabinets. She also likes pulling the leaves off my plants. She's really into throwing things in the toilet😖 Brady's Apple Watch was the first item lol. I'm waiting for our toilet locks to arrive in the mail.
My mission for the next month is to wean the bottles. We tried stopping bottles at 12 months, but Evie was not drinking enough milk from her sippy cup. Also, we need to do something about these tantrums... how do you stop one-year-old tantrums?