Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Eight Months

So many changes in the past month...
First, crawling is advancing. It's a mix between a real crawl and an army crawl. She gets on her knees, but not on her hands. Her butt is always in the air and it's so cute. She can get around quickly and crawl much further. I left her in the living room yesterday. Two minutes later I found her in the laundry room (all the way across our dining room/kitchen). She's a little explorer. She's curious about everything - especially outlets, door stops, carbon monoxide detector and anything else at her eye level.

Second, we're progressing to fork-mashed foods. She's been eating purees three times a day for the past two months. She's ready for thicker consistencies. She's had mashed avocado, sweet potatoes, bananas and a few pieces of toast (with butter). We have tried letting her feed herself, but she's still a little confused. She's gotten used to us spoon-feeding her. I just bought this feeder, but it hasn't arrived yet.

Third, teething has been a nightmare this past month. Evie had four top teeth break through within a few weeks. She was a trooper, but there were some really fussy days. I was emotional when she got her first two bottom teeth (at four months), but now I just want them all in. I want to be done with teething. Wishful thinking. 

Fourth, we've regressed with sleep training. Is seven-month sleep regression real or is it just my baby? I blame Hawaii or all the new teeth. When we were in Hawaii she woke up twice every night. She got back on track when we returned home, but that only lasted a few days. She quickly went back to waking up twice and it's a been month of this! I'm desperate for a full night of sleep. I've gotten weak and now I always nurse her when she wakes.

She's not interested in standing right now, but she's starting to pull herself up on her little chair and our pouf. She become much more vocal. There are new sounds daily. Lately she's been making a rolling 'r' sound, loud shrieks, and a dog noise lol. She's been saying "dadadada" a lot, but not in reference to Brady. 

Outdoors is the most comforting place for Evie. Anytime she's crying or fussy I'll take her out on the patio and we'll watch cars/people. We've also been going on tons of walks. She stops crying the moment she's moving in the stroller. Evie is also becoming a music-lover. I always have music playing and she's started to excited and move around to the beat. She lights up when we start clapping to the music. 

Previous Posts: Seven MonthsSix MonthsFive MonthsFour MonthsThree MonthsTwo MonthsOne Month

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