I can't believe my baby is one-year-old. The year passed in the blink of an eye.
She's a playful little monkey. She likes to explore and play with people. She's less interested in her toys. She loves being upside down and prefers to to be chased around the house. She has a newfound interest in our closet. She sneaks away to hide behind Brady's clothes then waits for us to come find her. It's super cute, but I've started closing our bedroom door to prevent her from wandering off.
Evie is has become a lot more talkative. It's nonstop babble around our house. I can have a three minute conversation with her and not understand a word she's saying, but she really enjoys it. We're starting to introduce sign language. She hasn't signed anything yet, but she pays attention when we sign. We've only started with four words - water, milk, mommy, daddy.
She's taken her first steps, but it's walking yet. She always takes 1-2 steps then tumbles. Her primary mode of transportation is still crawling. She's started crawling on her feet sometimes. We call it her bear crawl and it's adorable.
She still sleeps 12 hours at night. Bedtime is still 7:00PM. She also takes three naps (approximately one hour each) during the day. I keep trying to adjust her schedule to two longer naps, but she's not having it.
This girl wants all the food. She's not picky. However, she does let us know when she's full by throwing her food on the floor😒 I keep Clorox wipes next to the kitchen sink now. I know I'll need to clean the floor after each meal. Chicken curry has become one of her favorite meals. I make it nearly every week. She also loves berries, clementines, greek yogurt, sweet potatoes. She had acai bowls and poke bowls and California and loved them.
One big change has been the transition to whole milk. I expected this to be difficult for her, but Evie likes whole milk. We intended to slowly wean her off breast milk, but she drank a full bottle of whole milk at daycare two weeks ago and didn't seem to notice (or care) that it was different. Now, I'm done pumping🙌 I'm still nursing her morning and night, but we'll wean these nursing sessions soon.
Molars still haven't broken through. It's been a long process. Her gums are very swollen. She's been handling teething really well this time around. We've only had a few bad nights.
Previous posts: Eleven Months, Ten Months, Nine Months, Eight Months, Seven Months, Six Months, Five Months, Four Months, Three Months, Two Months, One Month