Friday, April 27, 2018


We had the best weather this week! We have to take advantage because the weather is going to be crappy over the weekend... typical😒

I went running the past three days, which felt really good. My pace has improved, but I need to increase my mileage. I used to consistently run 20 miles every week. I'm hoping to advance beyond the 2.5 mile loop I've been doing. 
We went for a family run last night. Brady pushed the stroller and still beat me. We stopped by the park on our way home.
Evie and I had a playdate with Molly and Blair on Wednesday. The girls loved playing in the water table outside. They were soaked by the end of the day. They are so cute at this age. They are full of smiles and kisses💛
Money well spent, Molly!
So sweet!
I think the sunshine influenced my hair appointment. It's a bit blonde😁 Brady think's too light, but I'm going to see how a feel after the weekend. Maybe I'll go back for some lowlights. 
Texting pics to my mom and sisters to get their opinion on the color

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Weekend Update

Another weekend at home...

We went to Seattle on Saturday for brunch and a walk. We ate at Queen Bee Cafe, which was delicious. However, our walk was cut short due to the rain😒
 Space Needle 
Too distracted by the couple next to us to eat her cupcake

We went to Brent and Molly's on Saturday night. Blair and Evie had fun playing together. It's so cute to see them interact. Evie is in heaven playing with Blair's toys! 
 Evie really liked Blair's chair
Look at that smile

The weather was amazing on Sunday. We went for a long walk and played at the park.  
 My little superstar
 A little help from Daddy
 This weather makes me so happy!
Tickle time

Friday, April 20, 2018

Fourteen Months

This is still my favorite stage! Toddlers are so fun. No one ever tells you that. I was terrified of the toddler stage when Evie was a baby. I thought it would be horrible, but so far it's pretty great (except when traveling)!

This girl is walking all over the place. She started consistently walking at 13 months. She has gotten so steady on her feet. The walk gets better and better each week. She still reaches out to hold my hand when she's walking. It melts my heart. I know this won't last long. 

Evie still has no stranger danger. People probably think we neglect her because she literally walks up to strangers and lifts her arms to be picked up. I think every single person at my grandpa's funeral held her. She's incredibly social. I don't know where this comes from... Brady and I are so anti-social😂

Evie has gotten two molars (both on the left side) in the past month. One broke through while we were in Iowa😒 as if traveling with a one-year-old wasn't hard enough. Her cheeks get bright red when she's teething, but only on the side of the new tooth. She's been handling these molars pretty well, but we've also been giving her ibuprofen when the cheeks get red. 

Evie's vocabulary is expanding! She started saying "hi" and "uh-oh" in the past week. She has the sweetest little voice. Her version of "hi" has an extended "eee" at the end. "Hieee!"

She's still a great eater. She's willing to try everything once. Our weekly go-to foods are oatmeal, sweet potatoes, avocado, greek yogurt, hard boiled eggs, chicken, salmon, pasta, berries, kiwi, bananas. She is obsessed with fruit snacks. We've turned this snack into a scavenger hunt. She has to earn each fruit snack!

One of the best parts of having a toddler is the sleep! It's been so nice the past few months to have predictable sleeping patterns. She sleeps 12 hours every night and takes two naps during the day (usually 90 minutes each). 

We've starting calling her Hurricane Evie. She leaves destruction everywhere she goes. She loves pulling her books off the shelf and emptying the kitchen cabinets. She also likes pulling the leaves off my plants. She's really into throwing things in the toilet😖 Brady's Apple Watch was the first item lol. I'm waiting for our toilet locks to arrive in the mail. 

My mission for the next month is to wean the bottles. We tried stopping bottles at 12 months, but Evie was not drinking enough milk from her sippy cup. Also, we need to do something about these tantrums... how do you stop one-year-old tantrums? 

Wednesday, April 18, 2018


Evie and I went to Iowa for my grandpa's funeral last week. I'm sad she never got to meet him. He was the kindest man. I will always remember how he greeted us with a big hug then he would hold our hand and listened so intently to every word we said. He made his grandchildren feel special. I lived with him for 5 weeks during my last year of pharmacy school. I had to wake up at 5:00 am to go to the hospital. He made me breakfast every single morning because he didn't want to miss any time together. 

This was my first time traveling alone with Evie. I'll be honest, it was rough. Evie was desperate for sleep, but could not nap on the plane. There were many tears shed and tantrums thrown. She was too tired to even focus on toys. I broke out the iPad and she could not have cared less😱 That's when the fear set in. Fortunately, everyone around us was really nice. There were no stares or rude remarks. A lot of people offer to help and the lady next to me actually held Evie for awhile👌

Our time at home was great. We enjoyed seeing the entire family. Evie had fun playing with her cousins and we stopped by Brady's parents house too. 
My favorite girls
 Bath time with Nana and Bompa
 We love cousin time
 The cutest pigtails
Evie was initially afraid of the dogs, but she warmed up to them 
 She absolutely LOVED the stairs
 Chillin with the fam
 Finally a day of nice weather!
Evie was a social butterfly at my grandpa's visitation and funeral. She still has no stranger danger. She climbed into the arms of anyone and everyone.
 Taps always gets me
 I had to stay in the car with Evie during the burial
 Evie with my Dad's cousin. She seriously did this with everyone
Saying goodbye to Grandpa's house

Monday, April 16, 2018

Weekend Update

Recovery was necessary after traveling with a teething toddler😩 I'll post a recap of our Iowa trip tomorrow. 

It rained all weekend. I only left the house to run errands and workout. I only managed to snap a few pics...
 Miserable weather, but pretty blooms
 Coffee during the morning nap is my favorite
 Always playing with Dad
Typical Sunday 

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Life Lately

I've been neglecting this little blog. 

Evie's been sick and teething. A molar has finally broken through. She's been struggling with a cough/congestion for the past week. Those daycare germs are the gift that keeps on giving. 

My grandpa passed away on Easter. Evie and I are flying back to Iowa for the funeral. It will be nice to see the fam, but I'm totally dreading solo flights with a toddler. I'm packing all the toys and snacks.  

Here are a few pics from last weekend...