Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Weekend Update

I tweaked my hip doing a PT exercise last week so this weekend was very quiet. I couldn't even go for a walk with Brady and Evie😫 The good news is it's starting to feel a little better so I'm going to keep taking it slow. Fortunately, I can still a lot of Evie's favorite things... blow bubbles, paint, play with slime, watch the iPad😜
 Wearing her Elsa dress and painting... she's in her element
 Daddy-daughter date
 She's strong
 These two are always wrestling
and always chasing each other

Friday, April 24, 2020

Things to do, watch, read, eat, etc...

These are strange times, but I feel like I'm getting into a quarantine rhythm. Here's what I'm living for right now... 

I'm burning candles all day. They're so calming. I usually get them from Target, Bath & Body Works, and HomeGoods. My favorite (which I've blogged about before) is Endless Weekend from Bath & Body Works... it's a great scent for spring/summer. 
I just finished We Were The Lucky Ones and I'm currently reading Lost Roses. I highly recommend both of these books! I love historical fiction and anything related to WWI or WWII.
While on the topic of war, Brady and I are watching Band of Brothers. It's currently on Amazon Prime and it's sooo good. Definitely one to rewatch. We've been enjoying caprese sandwiches and Moscow mules in front of the TV. I always look forward to this part of the night!
I purchased the Melissa Wood Health program and I'm so into it! I've done yoga flows and arm/ab workouts since I can't do any lower body workouts yet. Every class is low impact, quick and effective. 

Monday, April 20, 2020

Weekend Update

Evie's daycare reopened with reduced hours so now there's some variation between weekdays and weekends. We had too much screen time on Saturday so we were happy to see blue skies on Sunday and get out of the house! 

We walked to the park and let Evie run off some energy. She's starting to accept that she cannot play on the playground and sadly she has learned the word "virus." We visited the ducks, played tag, hide and seek, and she rolled down hills with Brady. It was a pretty good day considering how limited we are for entertainment. 
 Practicing the scoot scoot
 Hi duckies
 Brady was teaching her the proper form to roll down hills (this photo was before the lesson)
So much effort to blow bubbles lol
 I love this picture... epitome of spring
Evie pointing out the kids on the playground that aren't following the rules

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Random Snaps

Quarantine pics...
 Start the day with a smoothie...
 ... end the day with Moscow mules
 You know you're really bored when you start distressing your jeans
 Ready to grocery shop
 Care package from Brie Brie
 This was me the past couple weeks. Fortunately, Brady tracked down TP yesterday
 The only picture I got on Easter
 Love a good Iowa bonfire
 I thoroughly enjoyed dying eggs
Taken before the gym in our building closed😩

Tuesday, April 7, 2020


What a strange time to be alive...

I don’t know what to say so I guess I’ll just do a little life update. 

I had surgery at Mayo in Phoenix on February 24th. I spent a week in Iowa recovering. My mom and I went back to Phoenix for a follow-up appointment. From there, we parted ways. She returned to Iowa and I went to Washington. I was only home a few days when Evie’s daycare closed. Within 48 hours everything was closed. We were so cooped up in our condo. Brady, Evie and I flew back to Iowa and stayed with family the past couple weeks.

So far, we’re all healthy and safe. We enjoyed this time with our families. We would have never had this time together in our normal lives so we’re focusing on this silver-lining. There were countless play dates with cousins and several family gatherings/dinners.

I just got back to Washington because I’m returning to work soon. My hip still isn’t feeling great, but I’m trying to stay optimistic and just take it one day at a time. 

Here are a few snaps from our quarantine time...
Cousin dance party
 Livi on the move
An awkward hug😂
 I've missed the smell of bonfires
Evie took this picture of Bompa
 I wish I woke up looking this cute
All the girls💛
 Brie french braided Evie's hair and it looked so good! She has serious skills
Lots of couch time lol
Cuddled together watching Daniel Tiger
I don't know the last time we were all together... had to document
The cutest selfie
I really enjoyed all this family time
 Evie crashing into everything lol
She was so happy she didn't have to wear pants! We're ready for summer!