Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Bump Day

16 Weeks...
Weight gain: 
8 lbs. 

The nausea and fatigue are pretty much gone (knock on wood), but the migraines and nose bleeds have been awful. I had a 3-day migraine last week. Now, I get anxious anytime I feel the slightest onset of a headache. I have always struggled with migraines, but these are much worse and I can't take my usual medication. The nose bleeds aren't anything new either. I've gotten nose bleeds since I was really young, but now they seem to last forever. I had one at work last week that took an hour to clot. 

Corn dogs! Brady went on his first "cravings run" last week. I needed a corn dog in the worst way. I'm also craving pasta - I just want carbs and marinara sauce every night. I've been trying to eat well throughout the day - eggs, fruit, vegetables - so I can indulge at dinner. My aversions haven't changed... coffee and spearmint. 

Maternity Clothes:
 I still fit in my regular clothes, but they're definitely snug - especially my pants! I bought my first pair of maternity pants last week and they're amazing. It made me realize how uncomfortable my normal pants are. I tend to wear a lot of flowly tops and cardigans so I don't think I'll need many maternity tops (at least a for awhile). 

I really slacked off during my first trimester. I was too tired to even consider going to the gym. I've been better my second trimester. Brady and I walk a few times each week (when he's in town). I've been working out 2-3 times weekly - usually two days of cardio and one day of strength training. My hip has been really painful the past couple weeks, since we returned from California. I'm doing a lot of physical therapy stretching. 

I'm sleeping well, but I wake up 3-4 times each night to go to the bathroom. It's getting really annoying. I stopped drinking water after 8 pm, but haven't noticed much improvement. I'm also trying to become a side sleeper, which is so much harder than I expected. I lay on my side for about 30 minutes then give up, turn on my back, and fall right sleep. I've had the most vivid (and strange) dream since getting pregnant. I always wake up thinking "that was weird," but then I can't remember them after getting out of bed. 

Special Moments:
I felt the baby move for first time this past weekend! I had just woken up and was laying in bed when I felt a little flutter. I wasn't convince it was the baby, but then it happened again :) so exciting!  

Past Bump Days: 14 Weeks

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